

Returns the status of submitted bundle(s). This function operates similarly to the Solana RPC method getSignatureStatuses. If a bundle_id is not found or has not landed, it returns null. If found and processed, it returns context information including the slot at which the request was made and results with the bundle_id(s) and the transactions along with their slot and confirmation status.

We use getSignatureStatuses with the default value of searchTransactionHistory set to false to check transaction statuses on-chain. This means the RPC call will search only its recent history, including all recent slots plus up to MAX_RECENT_BLOCKHASHES rooted slots for the transactions. Currently, MAX_RECENT_BLOCKHASHES is 300.


Request Example:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "method": "getBundleStatuses",
    "params": [


Response Example:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "context": {
      "slot": 242806119
    "value": [
        "bundle_id": "892b79ed49138bfb3aa5441f0df6e06ef34f9ee8f3976c15b323605bae0cf51d",
        "transactions": [
        "slot": 242804011,
        "confirmation_status": "finalized",
        "err": {
          "Ok": null
  "id": 1

Last updated