
Here are some recommendations to ensure optimal performance for searchers and validators.


Time Synchronization

  • If you subscribe to pending transactions, run a Chrony client for accurate time synchronization. Jito Labs offers access to Chrony servers as NTP servers here.

  • This ensures precise understanding of head-of-line blocking and packet expiration times for your algorithms.


  • For low-latency access, provision your servers as close as possible to Jito's servers. Refer to the Block Engine documentation to check latency.

Bundle Assembly

  • Ensure your tip is an instruction in the last transaction.

  • Run a balance assertion after tipping to ensure the transaction doesn't result in a loss.

  • Provide slot range checks to confirm bundles land within the expected range.

  • To enhance Solana's performance, randomly choose one of the eight tip accounts to transfer SOL to, maximizing the chance of parallelism.

Cross Region

Cross-region functionality is provided for convenience. Ideally, run one instance per region to minimize latency. If latency isn't a primary concern, cross-region requests simplify management.

Current Cross-Region Features:

  • SendBundle

    • Bundles are automatically sent cross-region to upcoming leaders running Jito Solana.

  • GetUpcomingLeaders

    • Searchers can request upcoming leader slots for validators running Jito Solana. Details here.

  • SubscribeMempool

    • Searchers can request mempool transactions from multiple regions at once. Details here

  • GetRegions

    • Returns the regions where the block engine is available. Details here

Last updated